Friday, July 5, 2013

How I made my "Boppy Pillow"!

Boppy Pillows are expensive and aren't very sturdy in my opinion. I don't see the point in spending $30 on just a pillow. Then another $12 on the cover. (Might be less or more depending on where you live) So that's just crazy for a family just starting out. For my fabric I used a flat sheet because we don't use it and it cut the cost even more. I used a coupon on my stuffing so that was only $4 for all the stuffing I needed. And my zipper was on sale so it was $1. So all together I spent about $6 with the tax. For the cover I bought some pretty fabric got a yard (maybe a yard and a half. I cant remember) for $3 a yard and a zipper (not on sale sad) for $2. SO all together on the cover I spent about $6 also. So all together on my whole nursing pillow I spent about $12. That's a savings of $30.


I downloaded the poppy pillow pattern. Taped it all together and added a little more to it.

here is the link to the pattern.

What you need:
  • Poppy Pillow pattern
  • 2/3 yd cotton for front
  • 2/3 yd cotton for back
  • Straight pins & Iron
  • Sewing machine & thread
  • Scissors
  • Zipper (optional)
  • Zipper foot
  • Polyfill stuffing until the desired firmness
Get your pattern all together and your fabric. Fold your fabric so that it will fit the pattern. Pin the pattern in place and cut around it. Repeat for the back of the fabric.

I cant hand sew to save my life so I added a zipper to my pillow. That way I can add or remove stuffing. Put right sides together and pin. Leave an opening for the zipper. You can sew the zipper on before you sew around the pillow but I went around the pillow first because I'm not that great with zippers. Sew around the pillow leaving a 1/2 inch allowance. Notch and clip the curves, being careful not to snip your stitches. Turn right side out and press. Now stuff and zip.


They also had a cover pattern.

here is the link to the pattern.

What you need:
  • Poppy Pillow Slip Cover
  • Scissors & tape
  • 2/3 yard fabric for front (at least 44 in. wide on bolt)
  • 2/3 yard fabric for back (44 in. wide on bolt)
  • 18 inch zipper
  • Straight pins & iron
  • Sewing machine & thread
  • Zipper foot

Get your pattern all together and your fabric. Fold your fabric so that it will fit the pattern. Pin the pattern in place and cut around it. Repeat for the back of the fabric.

Put right sides together and pin. Leave an opening for the zipper. You can sew the zipper on before you sew around the pillow but I went around the pillow first because I'm not that great with zippers. Sew around the pillow leaving a 1/4 inch allowance. Notch and clip the curves, being careful not to snip your stitches. Turn right side out and press. Now shove your pillow into it.
Thank you for reading. If you have an questions please fell free to ask. I will attempt to help in anyway that I can.

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